The first step in organizing anything in your life is to develop your own personal organization. When you take the time to organize yourself all of those other disorganized things that surround you suddenly seem to start falling right into place. Start within yourself.
You cannot expect your spouse, your children or your home to be organized if you are not. Lead by example. Let me show you how to organize your life.
Obviously, the first thing you need to do is figure out how to get organized. I will help you with that, but, in addition and maybe even more importantly, I will show you how to stay organized. That is where most people go wrong.
Sure, you can clear all of the mail off of the kitchen counter but without an effective, long-term plan to ensure that the counter stays organized, guess what will week your kitchen counter will be cluttered with mail all over again. Put an end to the cycle.
Simply put: change the way you think.
Step back and think about the big picture. Decide what is important in your life and what things are less significant. Learn to focus on the important things. Learn how to prevent the insignificant things from cluttering up your mind and your life.
Once you have your thoughts in order, I will show you how goal setting can help you get your life organized. Most people fail to achieve their goals for two reasons:
When your goals are set, you need a simple plan to achieve them. "Simple" is the key word here. Organization does not have to be complicated. You do not have to accomplish the impossible in order to achieve your goals.
A simple thing like doing one load of laundry can be a huge success for the day. Learn to love simplicity. Get into the habit of relishing in the small accomplishments that all work together to achieve the big picture goal.
As part of your daily plan, you may have errands to run. Taking the time to schedule errands into your day in a logical manner can save you tons of time. Stop setting aside an entire day to run all over creation, doing all of your errands, wasting gas and wasting time. Start thinking about how you can squeeze in one or two errands each day.
You will be amazed at how much more efficient you can be when you have the two key elements of personal organization: goals and a plan.
An important part of being organized enough to achieve your goals and work your plan, and one that many people struggle with, is time management.
Are you constantly running late?
Are you always surprised when you cannot complete a project in the amount of time you have allotted yourself?
In order to fully develop your personal organization skills, you must have a handle on time management. I will show you how to schedule your time in a realistic, effective way that will allow you to set your goals and develop your plan to maximize efficiency.
I will also show you how to avoid procrastination. "I'll get to it later" can often be your biggest mistake if you are struggling with personal organization. Ten tasks that would have taken you two minutes each to accomplish, if left undone, can not only make your home look cluttered and disorganized, but will also turn into twenty minutes of cleaning time later.
Do you have two minutes right now?
Do you want to save twenty minutes later?
Stop procrastinating and start getting organized.
Another big hurdle you may have to get over is stress management. Stress can stop you right in your tracks. The sad thing is that most stress is self-inflicted. Learn how to consciously reduce stress. You are in charge of whether or not you allow something to cause you stress. Don't allow it.
I'll also show you how to get past perfectionism. Perfect is not always best. When it comes to household organization "done" is better than "perfect" any day of the week. Let me show you how to avoid perfectionism and simply get things done.
In order to be a well-rounded, organized person, you must also learn how to organize your speech. Communication is such a big part of everyday life. Be heard. Get your point across. Learn how to speak efficiently in any situation.
Also, realize that verbal speech is not the only form of communication. Nonverbal communication is just as important. Learn what your actions are saying and how to use body language to your advantage.
Further develop your personal organization skills through the art of letter writing etiquette. All of your written correspondence is a reflection on you. Be sure your words are reflecting well.
If you work outside the home you need to be especially organized to make the most of the small amount of free time you have.
If you are a stay at home mom, chances are you bear the brunt of the burden of keeping your home organized while your spouse is at work.
In either case, learning a few tricks to become an organized mom will help to prevent you from becoming overwhelmed with all of your various responsibilities.
Organize Yourself
One of the simplest things you can do for yourself is to take the time to have an organized purse. It makes me cringe when I see a woman fumbling through a completely chaotic purse looking for something she is sure she has in there. Don't be that woman.
Don't overlook the simple things. Organizing your purse is a small task with a big effect. Each time you reach into your purse you are portraying an image of yourself to those around you. What image do you want to portray?
It is my hope that you will try to incorporate these personal organization skills into your life. Start slowly. Work at your own pace.
Try to make at least one small change each week.
Soon, these habits will become second nature and when you look in a mirror you will see the reflection of an organized, happy, stress-free person.
Enjoy your organized life!
You cannot expect your spouse, your children or your home to be organized if you are not. Lead by example. Let me show you how to organize your life.
Obviously, the first thing you need to do is figure out how to get organized. I will help you with that, but, in addition and maybe even more importantly, I will show you how to stay organized. That is where most people go wrong.
Sure, you can clear all of the mail off of the kitchen counter but without an effective, long-term plan to ensure that the counter stays organized, guess what will week your kitchen counter will be cluttered with mail all over again. Put an end to the cycle.
Get Your Life Organized
One of the most important personal organization skills to develop is something I call cognitive restructuring.Simply put: change the way you think.
Step back and think about the big picture. Decide what is important in your life and what things are less significant. Learn to focus on the important things. Learn how to prevent the insignificant things from cluttering up your mind and your life.
Once you have your thoughts in order, I will show you how goal setting can help you get your life organized. Most people fail to achieve their goals for two reasons:
- They set their goals unreasonably high; and
- They pressure themselves into achieving their goals in an unreasonable amount of time.
A simple thing like doing one load of laundry can be a huge success for the day. Learn to love simplicity. Get into the habit of relishing in the small accomplishments that all work together to achieve the big picture goal.
As part of your daily plan, you may have errands to run. Taking the time to schedule errands into your day in a logical manner can save you tons of time. Stop setting aside an entire day to run all over creation, doing all of your errands, wasting gas and wasting time. Start thinking about how you can squeeze in one or two errands each day.
You will be amazed at how much more efficient you can be when you have the two key elements of personal organization: goals and a plan.
An important part of being organized enough to achieve your goals and work your plan, and one that many people struggle with, is time management.
Are you constantly running late?
Are you always surprised when you cannot complete a project in the amount of time you have allotted yourself?
In order to fully develop your personal organization skills, you must have a handle on time management. I will show you how to schedule your time in a realistic, effective way that will allow you to set your goals and develop your plan to maximize efficiency.
I will also show you how to avoid procrastination. "I'll get to it later" can often be your biggest mistake if you are struggling with personal organization. Ten tasks that would have taken you two minutes each to accomplish, if left undone, can not only make your home look cluttered and disorganized, but will also turn into twenty minutes of cleaning time later.
Do you have two minutes right now?
Do you want to save twenty minutes later?
Stop procrastinating and start getting organized.
Another big hurdle you may have to get over is stress management. Stress can stop you right in your tracks. The sad thing is that most stress is self-inflicted. Learn how to consciously reduce stress. You are in charge of whether or not you allow something to cause you stress. Don't allow it.
I'll also show you how to get past perfectionism. Perfect is not always best. When it comes to household organization "done" is better than "perfect" any day of the week. Let me show you how to avoid perfectionism and simply get things done.
In order to be a well-rounded, organized person, you must also learn how to organize your speech. Communication is such a big part of everyday life. Be heard. Get your point across. Learn how to speak efficiently in any situation.
Further develop your personal organization skills through the art of letter writing etiquette. All of your written correspondence is a reflection on you. Be sure your words are reflecting well.
Personal Organization for Mothers
As a mother, you set an example for your children in everything that you do.If you work outside the home you need to be especially organized to make the most of the small amount of free time you have.
If you are a stay at home mom, chances are you bear the brunt of the burden of keeping your home organized while your spouse is at work.
In either case, learning a few tricks to become an organized mom will help to prevent you from becoming overwhelmed with all of your various responsibilities.
Organize Yourself
The smallest things can make a big impact
One of the simplest things you can do for yourself is to take the time to have an organized purse. It makes me cringe when I see a woman fumbling through a completely chaotic purse looking for something she is sure she has in there. Don't be that woman.Don't overlook the simple things. Organizing your purse is a small task with a big effect. Each time you reach into your purse you are portraying an image of yourself to those around you. What image do you want to portray?
It is my hope that you will try to incorporate these personal organization skills into your life. Start slowly. Work at your own pace.
Try to make at least one small change each week.
Soon, these habits will become second nature and when you look in a mirror you will see the reflection of an organized, happy, stress-free person.
Enjoy your organized life!